During the almost 80 years on the market, Micromatic has become a contract manufacturer in cutting machining, with an extremely high level of tolerance, for example in milling, grinding, wire spark machining, turning and measurement and recorded measurement assignments. Micromatic is a contract manufacturer of complex articles with high demands on precision.

Our machinery for cutting machining is very advanced. We have the technology to handle MBD / PMI solids in our measuring machine and to work with most common CAD formats. We work mainly with prototypes and pre-series in small numbers for customers with high demands on precision and high documentation requirements as well as delivery security. FAI and other types of requirements are common with us.

We also have a department for import and sale of pneumatic and hydraulic components for fixtures and clamps, for example, hydraulic pumps, pressure boosters, clamping tools, mounting presses and more.

What products do you need in your line of work? Contact us and we will help you create them!


Cutting machining is our largest business area with cutting-edge expertise in prototype manufacturing and small series. From CAD / CAM to advanced 5-axis milling, Wire sparking, Grinding, Assembly, Turning.


Pneumatic / hydraulic components, for fixtures and clamps.

Pressing, Pressure booster to increase existing hydraulic pressures and much more.